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Anderson Funeral Directors: Invite

Father Edmund

26 November 2023

Anderson Funeral Directors are holding their annual Remembrance Service on Thursday 30
November at 7pm at St Paul’s Church, Hooton. The Anderson family write:

You are warmly invited to join us for our annual memorial night. This year the evening will be held at St Paul’s Church, Hooton. Please join us from 7pm for an evening of honouring our loved ones..


Following the service, our Memorial Tree in aid of the Hospice of the Good Shepherd will be reinstalled outside our premises in Whitby Village after the event, please feel free to place a charm on the tree in memory of your loved one.

Should you wish for any more information or to RSVP to the evening, please call our office on 0151 357 2671.

Thank you to the Anderson family for this kind invitation. It is much appreciated and I will be attending along with the other local clergy, ministers, and celebrants to re-connect with families bereaved. Please do feel able to come along, not least to meet the new Vicar, Father Mark Turner and the community at St Paul’s, Hooton.

May all the faithful departed, rest in peace. Amen.

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