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Your New Sunday Missal

Father Edmund

01 December 2024

Some tips to help you with your new Sunday Missal

Please print your name, inside the front cover, together with your email address and / or ‘phone number, so that we can let you know if you inadvertently leave your Missal behind in Church after Mass. As a help, the page number for the Sunday Mass will be carried on the back page of the Parish Newsletter.

I suggest marking your Missal with the four coloured ribbons that the Missal comes with for the different parts of the Mass:

The purple ribbon for page 5, the first Sunday of Advent (this Sunday)
The green ribbon for page 449, the Order of Mass, beginning with the Introductory Rites.
The white ribbon for page 498, the Eucharistic Prayer (Invariably I use either EPI or EPIII)
The red ribbon for page 1092, the next feast day, the Immaculate Conception

At the back of the Missal are six appendices, which include:

The Latin texts for Mass
A Guide to Personal Prayer Prayers to our Lady
The Stations of the Cross
Prayers of Preparation for Mass Prayers of Thanksgiving after Mass

For visitors and for the benefit of those who did not purchase a Sunday Missal, a small number will be available, marked Parish Missal. Please do not remove these from Church. There are, however, a small number of Missals marked available for purchase, if you would like a chance to. I hope your own Missal will deepen your participation in the Holy Mass and love for the Lord.

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