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Today, following 9am Mass at St Mary of the Angels, Hooton, an inter-school football tournament. All welcome!

Holy Souls

More details inside on the arrangements for the Blessing of Graves in the month of November, dedicated to prayer for the faithful


Wedding Bells

Please pray for Craig and Linda who

will be married this Thursday

Bishop Mark writes to us this Sunday, to ask us to help safeguard some of the most vulnerable in our community: the sick, the dying, and those in their last days. A Private Member’s Bill has been laid before Parliament to introduce assisted suicide, which would require physicians to give the terminally ill the means to end their lives prematurely. No one would wish to die in agony or see a loved one do so: the end of life is for all of us a certainty and yet the manner of our death is uncertain. What we desire for ourselves we desire also for others: a peaceful death, free - so far as medically possible - of pain, surrounded by those we love. Such tender care is what the Church desires and wants for every person facing their last days. From the earliest days of the Church, care for the sick and the dying - now principally offered through the wonderful work of hospices and palliative care - has been a hallmark of our love for those close to death: think of The Hospice of the Good Shepherd here, so close to home.


The move to introduce assisted suicide would radically alter the relationship between doctors, nurses, and caregivers and those who are most vulnerable. Our priority must be support of our hospices and those who offer palliative care; through this end of life care no-one need die in agony or alone. A right to die may, very quickly, become a duty to die, with the dying mistakenly thinking themselves a burden on family or society. The Bishop encourages us to contact our MP, Justin Madders, to share

our concerns and views directly with him. Mr Madders can be contacted at: or you can write to him at House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA.

St Saviour 
The Bread and Butter Thing & Refuge Assist

Bread and Butter Thing

Bargain foods, pre-registering required - Every Monday, 2pm-3pm


Refuge Assist 

Assisting those seeking sanctuary, those in the process of claiming asylum, and displaced persons. 

Our Lady
Hot Meal Provision & Foodbank

Hot Meal Proivision

A free meal for anyone who wants one! - Every Saturday, 12.30pm-2.30pm


Foodbank for those issued vouchers - Every Sunday, 2pm-3pm


Each sacrament serves as a channel of God's grace and is deeply rooted in the tradition and teachings of the Church. They mark significant moments and transitions in the life of a Catholic, nurturing their faith and relationship with God

Register Online to book your childs place on one of Parish programs. 

Next Family Social Event

Roman Numeral Clock
More Info . . .
Memorial Red Rose

November: The Month of Holy Souls

As Catholics, one of our great traditions is prayer for the dead: a

source of consolation for us who still live and efficacious for

those who have died. The consolation it brings to us is that we do

not stop praying for those we love, even after death. We continue

to love them - we continue to pray for them.

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