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Family Ministry: Update
Father Edmund
07 July 2024
My thanks to the five Headteachers of our five Catholic Schools: Mrs Vile, Mrs Finlay, Mrs Baird, Mrs Thorpe, and Mrs LeFeuvre and to the Chairs of Governors: Mr Kwateng, Mrs Reilly, Mrs LeTissier, Mr Hughes, and Mr Coucil, for their time, counsel, advice, and contributions to the initial discussions around how to migrate children and families from attendance at school to Sunday Mass and engagement with the parish where, at present, less than 1% of pupils and their families participate. Since meeting with the five schools Headteachers and Chairs of Governors, I have also met with a number of parishioners who I have invited to work with me more closely on two principal projects for the coming Academic Year: first, preparation for the teaching and delivery of the Sacramental Programme to begin in the Academic Year 2025-2026, and second to think more broadly and creatively about the ways in which we can engage, invite, and attract families to be part of our Sunday Mass community in addition to belonging to their school community. I have asked that the five schools assist me in all of this by discussing at different levels: Governors’ meetings, Senior Leadership meetings, PTA, Staff meetings, discussions with parents, new pupils, etc: how can we as a school join with the vision of our parish priest and the parish to ensure that over the course of the coming Academic Year - and beyond - our children and their families are encouraged to come to Mass on Sunday and belong to the parish? I will be looking to the schools to grapple with this important priority and to receive from them concrete and creative ways to move forward together - as I and the team I am forming in the parish will do the same. Special thanks to Mrs Finlay who invited me to speak with the staff of Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School this past week on the developing vision. Please pray for this important work: we must give our best efforts to engaging with families.