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How to Make may Special: Devotion to Our Lady 

Father Edmund

28 April 2024

Updated: 05 May 2024

Rob Smith writes:

A May Procession will take place on Wednesday 22 May at St Mary of the Angels at 7.15pm, led by the Ellesmere Port and Hooton Youth Group. We will meet in Stanley Hall and end in Church. All welcome. There will be hot drinks and cakes after the Procession in Stanley Hall. 


The Month of May

The month of May is dedicated to devotion to our Lady, the Mother of God. You may already have a devotion to our Lady as part of your daily or weekly prayers, or perhaps devotion to our Lady is not yet part of your prayers at home or when you come to Church. Love of our Lady is a natural consequence of love for Our Lord: no-one could love our Lady more than Jesus, and Jesus gave us His Mother to be our Mother also, when He entrusted our Lady into St John’s care before Jesus died on the Cross.


I would encourage you to consider some of the suggestions here to mark the month of May in a special way this year, and perhaps make devotion to our Lady a new or a renewed part of your prayer each day. Our Lady watches over us with a Mother’s love and concern as Scripture says, she is Mother of all who keep God’s Commands and hold fast to their belief in Jesus (cf Rev 12:17). 


Take up the holy Rosary. As often as we can we ought to pray the Rosary, I try and pray it everyday. It is simply spending time with our Lady and contemplating the Gospel in prayer. If you haven’t a Rosary, consider getting one (ask me if you have trouble, I’ll help!) And if you have never prayed the Rosary, ask a friend to help you learn or there are lots of videos on YouTube and helpful guides online, too. If the Rosary might be too much, begin by saying just one Decade, or just one Hail, Mary. It is depth of our love, rather than the length of our prayers, that pleases God.



You might consider bringing flowers to place before our Lady’s statue in Church. This can be a sign of love, of devotion, and a living sign of our prayer before the image of our Lady.


Home Shrine

You could set up a small ‘home shrine’ with an image of our Lady (you could even cut out the image above from this week’s Newsletter) and a candle, in your lounge or by your bed or where your family spend time together. It can be a focus for a daily prayer to our Lady during May. 


We are blessed to have an outdoor shrine to our Lady in the grounds of St Mary of the Angels, Hooton. Why not decide to make a mini-pilgrimage, to walk the distance from your home to visit our Lady at Hooton? 

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