Synod 2023 - Summary of the Synodal discussions
Father Edmond
21 Feb 2022
View the Letter sent to Bishop Mark on the Parish discussion on the Synod 2023
‘Lived Synodality’
Communion – Participation – Mission
Pope Francis has invited the whole Church to participate in a process of listening to one another in preparation for the synod in 2023. As a parish community, I invited you to reflect over the questions that Bishop Mark has identified for our own diocesan reflection: In what ways has the unity of our parishes in faith and charity, above all in Eucharistic communion, been strengthened or weakened by the experience of the past two years? Have we grown in our desire for the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist? What have been the fruits of this time for mission to those outside the life of our parishes and especially to those on the margins of society?
Clink the Link to view a Copy of the letter that will be sent to Bishop Mark