Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Father Edmund
15 Jan 2023
The annual week of prayer for Christian Unity takes place from Wednesday 18 January until Wednesday 25 January
As part of this, at the kind invitation of Revd. Antony Dutton, Vicar of St John the Evangelist, Great Sutton, I will be preaching at St John’s Sunday eucharist at 10am today. I am grateful to Father Seán Riley of the diocese of Liverpool for offering the 9am and 11am Masses at Our Lady Star of the Sea.
On Monday 23 January, there will be an ecumenical prayer service at St Thomas and All Saints at 6.30pm, followed by refreshments. All welcome!
On Wednesday 25 January, the Octave Day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and the feast of the Conversion of St Paul, I will offer a special Mass at St Saviour at 6.15pm at which I have asked Revd. Antony to speak to us. Please do come along to this special Mass, to build upon the good relationships we have been developing especially since the Blessed Sacrament Procession last June. Belated Congratulations to Father Mark Turner, the new vicar of St Paul, Hooton who was Inducted and Installed last Tuesday evening. I was very happy to meet with Father Mark over the Christmas period and to begin to establish close working fraternal relationship with him in his new role.
In just three months’ time, Canon Gordon McGuiness will be retiring from St Thomas and All Saints Anglican church, after over twenty years as vicar. Please be sure to pray for him and for the search for his successor.